
About Cleliamente

about us

Clelia is an interdisciplinary designer with multiple creative skills. These include graphics, illustration, photography, music, branding as well as events planning and life coaching.

Her quirky style and holistic approach combines conceptual design with free flow experimentation. She draws inspiration from her Italian roots, Nature, fashion, storytelling and abstract symbolism. In her work she strives to breathe life into every project and collaboration by harnessing the artistry of colour, shapes, graphics and design transforming each idea into bespoke and individualised creations drenched with co-created meaning.

The dynamic translation of sound into multi-dimensional design is an expertise that Clelia meticulously combines with clients’ creativity, personal preferences and shared design experience, which she does to honour the power of connection between all human beings and the Creative Life. Clelia ensures within one service: end-to-end, best class communication, support and solutions for all art and design projects, as well as bespoke events and coaching sessions.


Contact Me

Get in touch for any information, collabs, commission or your grandma’s secret lasagna recipe.


Bari, Puglia, Italy


+39 377 0807256